Educational Opportunities

Many secondary school teachers across the country already use Color Code to help them identify the needs of their students, making them more effective in the classroom. But now, with this new program, Getting It!, we’re excited to help them take things to the next level.

The program begins with a comprehensive personality assessment of the student with a 10-page report on what makes them tick. Included in the report are study habits, career choices, relationship tips, and more, all based on the student’s unique personality.

The program continues with two units of classroom study:

Unit One: "Getting Yourself" helps the students gain important insights into their own personalities while building valuable self-awareness and self-esteem.

Unit Two: "Getting Others" helps the students to see things from other people’s perspectives and find ways to improve their relationships with their parents, teachers and peers.

If you're interested in learning more about how to bring this program to a school near you, please fill out the contact form below.