Color Code Personality Science
Team Builder is a new service we've created to help you build strong teams within your organization. Team Builder will allow you to set up an administration account for your group. The team administrator will be able to invite group members to take the Color Code Personality Profile through a unique link. As your invitees complete the assessment, their results will be visible to the team administrator through a password protected portal. If you use the Color Code for any kind of training within your organization then Team Builder may be right for you. h2. Team Builder will help you: h3. 1 Stay Organized All the profiles for your team are one or two clicks away from your Team Builder dashboard. h3. 2 Find Profiles Fast Our quick and easy search makes it easy to find the profile results of anybody on your team regardless of how long ago the profile was completed. h3. 3 Get Immediate Results The Team Builder dashboard permits you to view or print team member profiles as soon as they complete the personality test. This also means that you’ll be able to see - in real time - whether or not a member of you team has taken their personality assessment. h3. Fill out the form below to get started