Color Code Personality Science
Team Builder

Do you have the right people to succeed?

Are your people energized and excited to go to work everyday?

Do you have a good team or do you have a great team?

Business moves fast – very fast – and employees will either be your organization's greatest asset or its greatest liability. Couple that with the fact that in today's challenging economy, most teams are expected to perform at a much higher level with fewer and fewer resources at their disposal. Some teams will rise up to meet these challenges, while others will cave in under the pressure.

What will your team do?

The best – and truly great teams – effectively utilize each others' talents while limiting their exposure to each team member's less effective skill sets. They put people in the right places so that they can collectively win. They value diversity and view conflict as a positive force that leads to innovation. They communicate clearly and reach out to each other without hidden agendas or ulterior motives. They seek out ways to help each other succeed as opposed to opportunistically waiting for the right moment to bring someone down.

If you feel that your team is underperforming in any of these areas, the Color Code can help! Here's how:

Effective Analysis

The Color Code online personality test will help provide a very clear, individualized analysis of each of your team members. The upgraded, Comprehensive Analysis will break down specific strengths, limitations, and development recommendations.

Free Team Builder Tool

We offer a free administrative dashboard to team leaders who wish to invite others to take the online personality test in either its free or upgraded version. A custom link is issued to the "Team Builder Admin" that he or she can distribute to the employees who are invited to participate. As team members complete the activity, their individual results are displayed on the team leader's dashboard. Click here to apply for a free Team Builder account.

Training & Team Building Services

Whether it is a keynote speech, a full- or half-day workshop, or an online class, our experienced trainers can help create a unique educational session that will provide plenty of "Ah-ha!" moments for each of your team members, while teaching the cutting-edge, Motive-driven concepts of the Color and Character Codes.

Our brand of training is both enlightening and entertaining, as we often incorporate team building activities, relevant video clips, and thought-provoking group discussions. The concepts we teach will open new windows of understanding to you so that you begin to see each other more clearly and comprehend what you need to do to come together and become great as a team. Click here to request additional information on our training services.

If you have not done so already, we recommend that you take the Color Code online personality test as soon as possible. That way you can experience it for yourself and get a feel for the type of insight that it provides. This is especially true for the Comprehensive Analysis version. Then, if you like it ‐ and we’re betting you will ‐ you can consider how to best use the Color Code to improve your team. And, we'll always be here to help if you need us.

Start Test
"Smith’s has put over 1600 of it’s management through Color Code training. It has made a great impact on associate engagement in getting our managers to better understand their associates and given them confidence to move up in the organization through the use of personal awareness and team member core motive awareness. Thanks Color Code."
Jerry Vincent – Division Talent Manager
“The Color Code had been a part of our new manager development program at Nordstrom for over five years and is far and away the most popular of the programs we offer to new managers. In all my years of training, I have not come across any other personality-profiling program that is better than The Color Code. It is simple and easy to remember, a must with today’s busy manager.”
Toni Benard – Training Director
“What started as a 4-hour presentation has now turned into an operating philosophy of tolerance and understanding. People on our staff are communicating better with each other because they are looking at themselves first rather than at the person with whom they are having the conflict. It has also been a great tool for the management team. We have incorporated The Color Code into hiring practices as well as into our employee evaluations. Once again thanks for everything – your training concepts are incredible and your staff is an absolute pleasure to work with!”
William Beerman – Director Patient Administration
“We have implemented The Color Code into our student leadership programs now for several years, because of one reason – results!” We’ve been through DiSC and Meyers-Briggs and believe me when I say that those programs can’t even come close to achieving what Color Code can. To illustrate, through understanding and implementation of The Color Code, we have experienced a 50% decline in the instances of conflict we deal with in our office. In addition, the level and effectiveness of general communication has increased by at least 35%, and through understanding MOTIVE our leaders have been more efficient and productive by at least three times! We recommend this program to anyone who is serious in wanting to achieve bottom-line results.”
Bob Rasmussen, Dean of Students
“I want to express my enthusiasm for the results we have achieved through The Color Code. I first applied Color Coding concepts with our new hires. Because our business is sales, I have been able to show them how they can establish the needs of the customer and communicate with them more effectively. We have now presented this program to the entire territory. The response from our people has been overwhelming! They are more comfortable with themselves, with the customers, and understand more about what closing a sale is all about. Thank you Color Code for an adventure in people success!”
Marie Mosteller – Territory Training Coordinator